Family Promise is a community-based approach to solving homelessness, engaging both the local community as well as faith-based organizations, to effectively remedy family homelessness. Families in the program receive a full complement of resources, support, and training as they work towards their own stability and self-reliance.

Family Promise at RLC
RLC is a host church for this non-profit, that cares for local homeless families with minor aged children in our neighborhoods. There are over 3,000 homeless children who have been reported in our local public schools alone. Once a quarter we donate money or gift cards for groceries and gas for up to 4 families for the week. If you would like to become a volunteer and help with either, food prep or serving meals, playing games, helping with homework or staying overnight with families please contact Debra at Office@ResurrectionLutheranChurch.org There is a mandatory two-hour training for all volunteers.
If you would like to donate items or money please contact www.familypromiseosb.org
First Christian Church of Torrance (FCC) has graciously opened up their church to our families for the time being. We continue to present the opportunity for volunteers to support and love on our families by donating online or sending in grocery and gas gift cards and sending an email to me with the following information: Checks can also be written to RLC with Family Promise in the memo line.
The families always enjoy receiving personal cards/love notes from us during our Host Week, plus homemade cookies/baked goods. They also can use Size 6 diapers and juice boxes and both sweet and savory snack packs for the children.
1. First and Last Name
2. Congregation Name
3. Amount Donated/Gift Card Donated
This information is so I can keep track of which host week the donation is for and who is donating, so we can thank them :) liz@familypromiseosb.org